Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Disneyland 2009

At the end of a very long day they still had enough energy to make the silly faces for the camera!

My three beautiful Ethiopian boys!

Alemu's favorite ride. Matterhorn!

Snack time.

This is the only ride that we went on twice. They loved driving their own cars.

Israel was a crazy driver. I laughed the entire ride. He just could not stay on course.

Mr. Toad's Wild Ride

Imagine? Being 12 yrs. old and NEVER had been on a merry-go-round.

We had a fun day all in all. The boys had a hard time with the concept that they had to wait in lines. Go figure.


Kim said...

Glad you were able to go and take the boys! Looks like a fun time was had by all! I was happy to see your post and the wonderful pictures of very happy memories!

Unknown said...

That must have been so exciting! I love the picture of the three boys. They are all beautiful. Or handsome : )

Anonymous said...

So much FUN! I love Disneyland, and taking people who haven't been is the BEST! Looks like you all had a ton of fun!

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