Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Jake's Senior Prom

Jake & Rachel



Look who got "Most Improved" at school!

Enjoying his first Mac-n-Cheese with Mimi!

So the other day Chuck had the little boys at the church after school and they were playing baseball. The ball rolled down the embankment of ivy and they searched for 10 minutes and couldn't find the ball. All of a sudden Alemu said "Dad, this is what we do in Kamashi when we can't find something that we are looking for". He proceeded to put a small pile of spit on the palm of him hand and then with the other hand slapped the pile of spit and the direction that the spit flew is the direction of the object that you are looking for. Chuck said that within 10 seconds Alemu found the ball. Bizzare! The boys said that it works everytime. Try it next time you can't find your keys and let me know if it works for you?

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

John Brown

So my husband Chuck always picks on the children in our lives. Whether it is the kids at church or school or in the family, he picks on them. So needless to say Alemu and Israel are no exception. Chuck recently has been asking Alemu what his name is. He is trying to get him used to our last name. Well last week Alemu turned the table on Chuck and said "what you name?" Chuck then replied: "John Brown, if you ask me again I'll knock you down." This of course caused everyone to laugh. The next night Chuck asked Alemu "What's your name?" Alemu replied: "John Brown, ask again, I beat you up!". We all busted up laughting.

Well...the gorilla struck again! This past weekend our dear friends from South Carolina were in town. Michelle brought with her 4 of her 8 children. Alemu and Israel were so excited to play gorilla, and played they did. They got so into the role they should have won an Oscar for their performances! Way to go boys!

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