I know that it has been way too long since I posted a blog. Life has been extremely busy. You know I am a mother of 7!!! My sister actually threatened that she was going to stop checking my blog because it has been so long. Well...Cindy, here we go.
The last two months have been great. Emily has been home from Africa and it has been the only time that all 7 of my children have been together. I was excited for her to get home and see the "little boys" interact with the family. You see she had them for 3 months in Ethiopia preparing them for their new family and what life would be like in America. She would be the best judge of "how they are doing". I worry about that...alot. I find myself asking them "are you happy?" Of course they always say "yes". I just am waiting for the homesickness to settle in. This all has to be so confusing for them. As their language improves the conversations deepen. Emily leaves tomorrow and I am not sure how they will react to that. I know that they don't want to go back to Ethiopia so why would she?
Last night, Brian stopped at an Ethiopian restaurant and got take-out. The "little boys" loved the injera. They haven't had any for 5 months. I can't believe that 5 months have gone by so fast. And yet, it feels like so much longer at other times. Israel (7 yrs.) is improving everyday with his behavior. He is very curious and touches everything. The over-reacting has really deminshed. Alemu (11 yrs.) is opening up more and more about his life prior to being with us. Chuck and I both love to hear him talk about his past. Last week I told Alemu that I was going to sunbath until I was dark like him. He laughed and told me that I couldn't get that dark. I then asked him if he could love me even though my skin was white and he said "yes". It was a sweet moment between us.
Last Thursday, was re-adoption day!!!! Whoo Hoo. The "little boys" didn't want to stop swimming and get all dressed up. Go figure. But...they did and we all met at the court house and had a small intimate gathering with the judge. It was a very special time for our family.
Jake graduated from high-school last month. 4 down and 3 to go. He plans on attending the community college and then transfering to a 4 yr. college. Thank you to all the family and friends who took the time to share in this special day with Jake.
Alex turned 16 a couple of weeks ago. He is working on his drivers license. Way to go Alex!
Alemu is preparing for middle school. What a culture shock that is going to be. He is getting excited about the whole school shopping thing. He desperately wants to go to the "Disney Channel" which means Disneyland. Maybe we can make it up there this fall.
Israel read his first sentence in english with Autumn. He was so excited that they called me at work and told me all about it and then read it to me when I got home. He was beaming from ear to ear.
Emily gave a presentation about her ministry at church. She did a great job and really shared her heart and passion for the Ethiopian people. I am so proud of her and will miss her terribly. Please pray for her as you think of her.
Chuckie is heading to Roseburg, Oregon next Monday. He is going to live with his grandparents and attend the community college. I think the change will be good for him and I know that his Mum-Mum will fatten him up a little with her good cooking.
Autumn & Brian and Elias are all doing well. They are very natural at parenting. Elias is absolutely perfect! I love him so much and love being his Mimi. He is walking really good. Hasn't been able to get up without crawling over to something nor can he walk without his hands above his head. It is the cutest thing.
I have been sewing (quilting) like crazy. I wanted to send two ladies (nannies) that I had met while in Ethiopia and one little girl a quilt back with Emily. Well...she then asked if I could make two more for the two new nannies. I gave in and said yes. So....I am on #5 right now. Have I mentioned that she is leaving tomorrow? So, I will be sewing all night.
I have photos for all the things that we have been doing the last couple of months but because I haven't downloaded my pics that is why I havem't been updating my blog. So last night I decided that I will just write the post and then at a later date add the photos.
I am excited to post our new "Family Photo" that was taken last night. I will try to do that tomorrow. The photographer earned her money last night trying to get 11 people all looking at her at the same time. I really sensed that it was important to the "little boys" to be in a family photo displayed in the house. I think it is another small way to show them that they are stuck with us for the rest of their lives! They were trying to tell me where in the house we should hang it. Of course it was smack in the middle of everything.
This will now get me current and I will try to post more frequently. ;)